Signs you need a cleanse
There are times when I feel like I want to give my body a break. This happens when I’ve over indulged in food (I love to eat it ), and wine. Living in wine country will do that! You’ve probably had this experience yourself at one time or another. The idea of a body refresh…
Tired? Irritable? Food Cravings?
Oh, the words “blood sugar.” Does it conjure up visions of restrictive eating, diabetes medications, or insulin injections? Blood sugar is the measure of the amount of sugar in your blood. You need the right balance of sugar in your blood to fuel your brain and muscles. The thing is, it can fluctuate. A lot.…
Need a mood boost?
No question that what you eat can affect how you feel, right? Mental health and brain health are complex. So are the foods we eat, and the ways our bodies interact with those foods. While, we don’t know the exact mechanisms how food and nutrition help, we know a few ways food impacts our moods.…
How to cut disease -promoting inflammation with foods
Inflammation. It’s not just for health headlines. It’s a fact. Scientists are measuring levels of inflammation in our bodies and finding that it can be pretty bad for our health; this is especially true when it’s chronic (i.e. lasts a long time). Inflammation has been linked to obesity, heart disease, Alzheimer’s, and diabetes, just to…
The Stress Mess:How it Messes with Your Health
We all have some level of stress, right? It may be temporary (acute), or long-term (chronic). Acute stress usually won’t mess with your health too much. It is your body’s natural reaction to circumstances, and can even be life-saving. Then, when the “threat” (a.k.a. “stressor”) is gone, the reaction subsides, and all is well. It’s…
Support your good health
Concerns are still growing around the coronavirus pandemic . To stop the spread, it’s important that we follow the guidelines set out by the public health authorities. Not only to protect ourselves but also to protect others. Along with frequent hand washing, social distancing and self isolation, support for the immune system is vital. What…
Turmeric-is it really a miracle spice?
Turmeric is touted as a superfood and miracle spice. It’s delicious, and one of its “active ingredients” curcumin has been studied like crazy. It has antioxidant properties, anti-inflammatory properties, and many other great health benefits. In this post I go over: The difference between turmeric and curcumin. Turmeric’s amazing health benefits. How to get the…
Phytic Acid-The Mineral Reducer
You may have heard of phytic acid as a “mineral reducer,” and this is very true. Eating raw nuts, seeds, grains, and legumes can prevent your body from absorbing some of the minerals from your food. But phytic acid has another side too. It has some health benefits. Do you soak or sprout your nuts,…
The Truth Behind Artificial Sweeteners
Do you know how artificial sweeteners act in your body? Nobody really does! Here are some thoughts as to how they affect your body, it may inspire you to reduce the sweetness in your food and drinks. You probably know the negative health effects of eating too much sugar, especially “added sugars” like in soda…