Exercise benefits that don’t include weight loss

Exercise is about honoring your body
When people embark on a weight loss journey, there are two main areas they turn their attention towards –> diet and exercise.
Diet is a much bigger factor to weight loss than exercise though. Exercising alone to lose weight is a slow process and it rarely works without the diet component.
But exercise is still a good thing. After all our bodies were designed to move
It is a way to honor our bodies – to feel our bodies, be present in our bodies, and enjoy the experience of taking care of our bodies .
Exercising is also a way to honor our commitment to ourselves – we set exercise goals and follow through on them.
It’s often just as easy to exercise as it is to skip it. As with so many other things in our life.
So, we must learn how to exercise for the sake of feeling good, taking care of our bodies, and honoring our commitments on a regular basis.
Then we can then take that skill and apply it to other areas of life. We begin to build confidence in our ability to honor our commitments and follow through on goals.
So, while weight loss may be part of the long-term goal, think of exercise as more than a tool for weight loss. Make it a part of your routine.

If having a structured exercise plan seems overwhelming, don’t despair take advantage of NEAT. You may be asking yourself, what the heck is NEAT? “NEAT Movement” means: Non-Exercise Associated Thermogenesis. Yep, this is a thing!
Some examples of NEAT movements are fidgeting, gardening, arm circles, walking, free play, and other general movement activities in our daily life.
NEAT movement reduces cortisol production and influences hormones, which naturally influences everything from stress to energy, calorie burn to strength gains and work out quality.
It is the biggest component of metabolism that is changeable and within your control.
So ask yourself: How can I move more? When you start living a life that is more movement-based you start seeing opportunities all around you.