Meet Tessa

I have always understood the power of food.  Whether intuitively, or through my upbringing, maybe a combination of both, I got it.  I grew up in a time when people with my ideas were considered fringe, kooky, whatever word you want to use.  Of course today it has all gone mainstream and it’s thrilling because we are badly in need of change when it comes to the food we eat.

I love food.  I eat with enthusiasm which is a direct effect of growing up in a Greek Cypriot household where food was theatre, full of passion, drama and fun. I am an avid cook and enjoy coming up with new ways of preparing nutritious and delicious foods.

I decided to study the science of food because I wanted a better understanding of how it all worked in the body and though I learned a tremendous amount I realized I had only scratched the surface and that science is moving at a breakneck speed to prove the healing powers of real food.

Combining my passion for food and my extensive, and continuous, nutrition studies, I help individuals make optimum nutrition choices based on their unique health goals and lifestyle.  My goal is to educate, provide clarity and give some practical meaning to the maze of information that comes at us on an almost daily basis.

Nutrition Education

Canadian School of Natural Nutrition (CSNN)

Registered Holistic Nutrition Diploma

Advanced Natural Nutrition Diploma

Metabolic Balance® Coach

This study of natural nutrition is a holistic approach, empowering people to achieve optimum health and vitality using whole foods and individual lifestyle factors.