Yummy Recipes & Food Articles

Giving you all the healthy recipes you need to thrive in life

Can My Symptoms Actually Be A Food Intolerance?

May 26, 2019

Do you have symptoms that just don’t seem to go away? One of the trickiest things to figure out is whether a random symptom could be due to a food intolerance. That’s because symptoms can be delayed, or ongoing, and not even resemble a gastrointestinal symptom at all. In this post, I go over a…

The Hormone Effect

May 16, 2019

It doesn’t matter what health issue you want to address, hormones are playing a role.  It does not matter if you are suffering from fatigue, irritability, sleep deprivation, reproductive issues, anxiety, depression, blood sugar problems, headaches, or just about anything you can think of – hormones are playing a role. This can be an intimidating…

Heart Rhythms

May 14, 2019

This is Part 3 of Omega-3s The Fats We love. Omega-3s and heart health. Omega-3s started getting famous for heart health because of research dating back to the 1970s. At that time, researchers found that Greenland Inuit, despite eating a lot of fat, had a lower rate of heart disease and fewer risk factors too.…

Your Brain on Omega 3 Fats

May 7, 2019

This is part 2 of Omega 3s-The Fats We love Omega-3s and the brain In my last post about Omega-3s I focused on the anti-inflammatory aspects of Omega-3 fats and how to get our Omega-3 fats from food. Want a refresher on exactly what Omega-3s are and why they are so good for our health? …

Omega 3s-The Fats We Love

April 22, 2019

Omega-3s get a lot of notoriety – and for good reason! Not only is one of them essential for good health, but we don’t get enough of them in our diets. Omega-3s are a kind of fat. Fats are not just a storable source of 9 calories per gram. Different fats are used by our…

How to Improve Gut Health

April 15, 2019

Hippocrates said, “All disease begins in the gut.” And while this may not be 100% true for every disease in every person, more and more research shows that our gut (digestive system) has a bigger role in many diseases than we used to think. And we’re not just talking about heartburn, constipation, diarrhea, IBS, IBD,…

Common Weight Loss Myths Busted

April 8, 2019

Sometimes it seems that everyone has an opinion on weight loss. It’s full of bad oversimplified advice, and magical “non-diet” diet products. And this information is all over the internet. I am so pleased to bust these bad boys. Want to know why? It’s because I care about you. If you’re looking to lose weight,…

Why is my metabolism slow?

March 31, 2019

You may feel tired, cold or that you’ve gained weight.  Maybe your digestion seems a bit more “sluggish”. You may be convinced that your metabolism is slow. Why does this happen?  Why do metabolic rates slow down? We know as we age our metabolism tends to slow down.  As a post-menopausal woman I can attest…

Eight tips for choosing supplements wisely

March 24, 2019

We all know the vast array of supplements on the market today. It seems that new ones are launched every day and there is more and more marketing lingo that promises to save your health. And  remember the supplement business is a multi billion dollar industry! But you are a savvy health-conscious consumer. You eat…

A quick guide to reading Nutrition Facts tables

March 14, 2019

I admit it, I don’t pay much attention to the Canada Food guide but there are many positive changes in the new guide, including changes to food labels to make them easier to understand. Even though the changes are going in the right direction food labels and the Nutrition Fact tables continue to be a…

Is a good night’s sleep the stuff of dreams?

March 5, 2019

Oh, that elusive sleep.  That time to relax and regenerate.  To heal and repair. Sleep isn’t just important for your mind and body to have energy and be alert.  Lack of sleep can contribute to serious health issues which you don’t want. So let me have your attention for this “tip-filled” post on the importance…

My Surprising Addiction

March 3, 2019

No, it’s not a food and neither is it an illegal substance! This story is about my love of cross country (XC) skiing.  I hope your’e not too  disappointed. Perhaps you wanted to read a story about how I overcame my addiction to sugar or carbohydrates or fast foods.  That I had some incredible Aha…

Why your waist circumference matters.

February 18, 2019

You totally want to ditch your scale, don’t you? You may have this weird kind of relationship with your “weight”. I mean, it doesn’t define you (obviously). What you weigh can matter but only to a certain extent. Let’s look at your waist circumference (well…you look at yours and I’ll look at mine). Just like…

Coffee-Should I or Shouldn’t I?

February 11, 2019

  If you want to know whether you should drink coffee or avoid it, today’s post is for you. Coffee affects different people differently. It has some health benefits, but there are people who should avoid it. Is this you? What should you consider before your next cuppa joe? Coffee is one of those things…

If you never overeat at meals (ever!) you’re not going to need these great tips

January 21, 2019

We all do it. Sometimes the amazing aroma and delicious flavour gets the best of us.  Especially if we’re a bit on the hungry (or hangry) side. I’m talking about overeating at meals.  This can have a big impact on our weight, energy levels, and overall health and well being.  Of course our body needs…