Haven’t Changed Anything in Your Diet But Getting Fatter?

You are positive that you’re not eating more food or “junkier” food but you’re still gaining weight. Is this possible? Yes!  You are NOT crazy! And here’s why. We both know that the whole “calories in, calories out” argument is an overly simplistic view of weight. There’s definitely more to the story than just what…

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Common Weight Loss Myths Busted

Sometimes it seems that everyone has an opinion on weight loss. It’s full of bad oversimplified advice, and magical “non-diet” diet products. And this information is all over the internet. I am so pleased to bust these bad boys. Want to know why? It’s because I care about you. If you’re looking to lose weight,…

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Why is my metabolism slow?

You may feel tired, cold or that you’ve gained weight.  Maybe your digestion seems a bit more “sluggish”. You may be convinced that your metabolism is slow. Why does this happen?  Why do metabolic rates slow down? We know as we age our metabolism tends to slow down.  As a post-menopausal woman I can attest…

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Personalized Nutrition

There’s a lot of talk, and a lot of books out there on personalized nutrition, those foods that contain the right combination and amounts of nutrients designed just for you. Imagine knowing exactly what foods to eat to optimize your health and prevent disease! I haven’t seen one of those diets yet, but there’s plenty of…

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