The Dry Skin Solution-Part 1

Did you know that back in medieval France, King Henry II’s wife, Princess Catherine, believed that if she ate chicken combs she would become beautiful? Even before that (in the 700s) Yang Guifei, one of the four beauties of ancient China, also ate chicken combs. Chicken combs, as it turns out, contain a lot of…

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The Hormone Effect

It doesn’t matter what health issue you want to address, hormones are playing a role.  It does not matter if you are suffering from fatigue, irritability, sleep deprivation, reproductive issues, anxiety, depression, blood sugar problems, headaches, or just about anything you can think of – hormones are playing a role. This can be an intimidating…

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Why is my metabolism slow?

You may feel tired, cold or that you’ve gained weight.  Maybe your digestion seems a bit more “sluggish”. You may be convinced that your metabolism is slow. Why does this happen?  Why do metabolic rates slow down? We know as we age our metabolism tends to slow down.  As a post-menopausal woman I can attest…

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A quick guide to reading Nutrition Facts tables

I admit it, I don’t pay much attention to the Canada Food guide but there are many positive changes in the new guide, including changes to food labels to make them easier to understand. Even though the changes are going in the right direction food labels and the Nutrition Fact tables continue to be a…

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My Surprising Addiction

No, it’s not a food and neither is it an illegal substance! This story is about my love of cross country (XC) skiing.  I hope your’e not too  disappointed. Perhaps you wanted to read a story about how I overcame my addiction to sugar or carbohydrates or fast foods.  That I had some incredible Aha…

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Do Detox diets and cleanses really work?

Updated July, 2020 On January 5 I held a presentation titled Understanding Detoxification.  Given the popularity of the topic and the time of year, I suspected I would get a decent turnout. I was not disappointed. As the registration process began people kept commenting on how badly they needed a detoxification protocol, not uncommon after the…

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