The Gut-Brain Connection

How To Feed Your Brain  If there was ever a call for “digestive health,” this is it! Yes, it’s true. Your gut is considered your “second brain.” There is no denying it anymore. And since my presentation on gut health, The Good Gut, Unraveling the mystery of the Microbiome, so much more information has come to…

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Your Brain on Omega 3 Fats

This is part 2 of Omega 3s-The Fats We love Omega-3s and the brain In my last post about Omega-3s I focused on the anti-inflammatory aspects of Omega-3 fats and how to get our Omega-3 fats from food. Want a refresher on exactly what Omega-3s are and why they are so good for our health? …

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Is a good night’s sleep the stuff of dreams?

Oh, that elusive sleep.  That time to relax and regenerate.  To heal and repair. Sleep isn’t just important for your mind and body to have energy and be alert.  Lack of sleep can contribute to serious health issues which you don’t want. So let me have your attention for this “tip-filled” post on the importance…

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