Saving my sister’s life with food

The food abuse had been going on for years, leading to obesity, elevated cholesterol, high blood pressure and type 2 diabetes.  This  was managed with a myriad of medications. I think at one point she told me she was on nine different medications!  Some 20 years later, it all came to a head with a medical crisis (though there were many…

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Personalized Nutrition

There’s a lot of talk, and a lot of books out there on personalized nutrition, those foods that contain the right combination and amounts of nutrients designed just for you. Imagine knowing exactly what foods to eat to optimize your health and prevent disease! I haven’t seen one of those diets yet, but there’s plenty of…

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Do Detox diets and cleanses really work?

Updated July, 2020 On January 5 I held a presentation titled Understanding Detoxification.  Given the popularity of the topic and the time of year, I suspected I would get a decent turnout. I was not disappointed. As the registration process began people kept commenting on how badly they needed a detoxification protocol, not uncommon after the…

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