The Dry Skin Solution-Part 1

Did you know that back in medieval France, King Henry II’s wife, Princess Catherine, believed that if she ate chicken combs she would become beautiful? Even before that (in the 700s) Yang Guifei, one of the four beauties of ancient China, also ate chicken combs. Chicken combs, as it turns out, contain a lot of…

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A Blood work road map to your health goals

Here’s exactly how the Metabolic Balance® Diet will get you long term results. Just think about it. What’s the first thing you do when you think that something is wrong with your body? You most likely go to the doctor. And when you do go, they usually recommend blood work to make sure your blood…

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Eight tips for choosing supplements wisely

We all know the vast array of supplements on the market today. It seems that new ones are launched every day and there is more and more marketing lingo that promises to save your health. And  remember the supplement business is a multi billion dollar industry! But you are a savvy health-conscious consumer. You eat…

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A quick guide to reading Nutrition Facts tables

I admit it, I don’t pay much attention to the Canada Food guide but there are many positive changes in the new guide, including changes to food labels to make them easier to understand. Even though the changes are going in the right direction food labels and the Nutrition Fact tables continue to be a…

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