Simple Trick Too Not Over Eat

Many people experience hunger as starving or stuffed.
It is important to learn to navigate the middle ground between hungry and full if you want to lose and maintain weight loss.
The 80% full rule encourages people to stop eating before they feel full but are no longer hungry. Or in other words, it’s about feeling satisfied but could still eat a little more.
This is a simple rule that you can follow at any meal. And the more you do it, the easier it gets and the more body aware you become.
If you want to lose weight this is very helpful as you are more likely to end up in a calorie deficit.
The body also becomes more aware of the two major hormones that regulate hunger-ghrelin, and satiety-Leptin.
Eating this way also improves digestion and reduces the risk of nausea and indigestion.
Particularly, over-eating may put a strain on digestion, leading to a higher likely hood of experiencing gas and bloating.
You might be asking yourself:” How do I know when I’m 80% full?” That’s a great question. It takes a bit of practice, but it can be done. Here are 5 helpful tips:
To reduce portions, eat from a smaller plate
Apply a mindfulness approach by paying attention to how your body feels throughout the meal. The act of slowing down allows us to reconnect with our natural body signals.
Include foods that require a good chew-this helps us slow down our eating and feel our body cues.
Practice Intuitive eating (ask me for the guide)
Questions to ask yourself to navigate fullness:
- Am I satisfied?
- Do I want to finish this or could I save it for later?
And because sugar, white flour and processed/packaged foods increase cravings, our brains tend to think we want more even when we don’t need it, cutting them out or reducing them is often helpful when trying to lose weight and navigate hunger cues and body awareness.